Can CBD oil help treat kennel cough?

When a dog is sick, it may not be easy to interpret the signs and understand what it is trying to tell. Coughing is very noticeable. Frequent coughing indicates that there is a problem. A veterinarian can help to determine what is causing the dog to cough. Sometimes they can distinguish one type of cough from the other.

High-pitched coughing and wheezing may indicate a narrowed airway. Coughing that occurs more frequently at night can suggest heart disease. Kennel cough can be a problem for many coughing dogs with additional clinical signs like sneezing and fever. The article will help the user understand kennel cough in dogs, the symptoms of kennel cough, CDB for dogs, the CBD for kennel cough, and where to find them.

Kennel Cough in Dogs

It is also referred to as infectious tracheobronchitis. Kennel cough is a disease that affects the upper airways and causes inflammation in the trachea and the bronchial airways. It is majorly caused by bacteria and also viral infections. It can also be caused by a parasite, chronic coughing from another disease, and smoke inhalation. Kennel cough is accompanied by a hacking cough and throat irritation because of severe inflammation of the lining of the airways. The cough may improve after a few days but can persist for a week in some cases. Buonavoglia & Martella (2007) specified that the disease could affect all dogs and occurs more frequently in unvaccinated puppies, immunosuppressed dogs, and senior dogs. Kennel cough may be caused by several organisms like bacteria known as Bordetella bronchiseptica and viruses like influenza. The infection can progress to pneumonia in many cases and cause serious illness in dogs.

Like cold and flu in humans, kennel cough may spread fast during the summer and in areas with many dogs. It may include hospitals, boarding and daycare facilities, and dog parks. Therefore kennel cough is a bit of a misnomer in upper respiratory diseases. It may create some confusion for pet owners. Most veterinarians have adopted a new name for the infection. Canine infections respiratory disease is the new name of CIRDC.

Suppose the veterinarian suspects kennel cough, then they are likely to recommend blood work to check on the dog’s white blood cell count and chest X-rays to evaluate the dog’s lungs and the airways. They may also recommend hospitalization with intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and some other facets of supportive care. If the dog has trouble breathing, oxygen therapy nebulization treatment is recommended.

Symptoms of Kennel Cough

Goldberg et al. (2009) identified some symptoms associated with kennel cough. Once a dog is exposed to another sick animal with kennel cough, it can take up to ten days to show the symptoms. The dog is vaccinated against influenza Bordetella and other diseases implicated in CIRDC cases. Then the dog can have some mild clinical signs or no signs at all. Coughing spasms are the most common sign. The cough can also be described as hacking, dry, gagging, or retching and can be absorbed with severe coughing. It may also seem like exercise and excitement exacerbate signs. In severe cases, especially when kennel cough advances to pneumonia, the dog can have a fever, lack of appetite, nasal discharge, and lethargy. The breathing can appear as exaggerated as it becomes harder to breathe.

CBD Oil for Dogs

Siciliano et al. (2019) defined CBD or Cannabidiol as a chemical compound naturally extracted from hemp or cannabis. Extracting CBD for chemical use eliminates the THC compound from the final product. THC is the psychoactive agent in cannabis that is highly toxic to dogs. The user should avoid any products for dogs in cannabis which is highly toxic to the dogs. It is important to avoid any products for dogs containing THC traces. According to Iffland et al. (2017), CBD treats different problems in dogs like joint pain, inflammation, irritability, stress and anxiety, cancer side effects, and chemotherapy. The current information on CBD dogs and their effects on dogs is based on anecdotal evidence and sometimes extrapolated from human studies. But there is ongoing research at some universities and veterinary schools in the United States.

The study was conducted on two groups of dogs with a history of seizures. The first group received CBD oil and the other group placebo. They noticed a significant reduction in the frequency of seizures observed in the CBD group. But the proportion of respondents in the two groups was statistically similar. Meaning that the same number of dogs in the placebo group experienced fewer seizures.

CBD Oil for Kennel Cough

CBD oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Vuolo et al. (2019) stated that CBD might help in reducing inflammation of bronchial and trachea airways. Farzan et al. (2019) then noted that it could also help with pain because of throat irritation. CBD calming effect may help relieve anxiety, vital as agitated or anxious dogs with kennel cough can overexert themselves and have more trouble breathing.

Where can I Find Quality CBD Oil?

When purchasing CBD oil for dogs, ensure that the product does not have THC as an ingredient. It is obtained from industrialized hemp, legal standards in many countries. You can get such products on websites like the SitsStays website. There are a few reported side effects of CBD oil. If the dog faces some problems after taking CBD oil, like dizziness or trouble walking, you should stop giving it CBD oil and call your veterinarian immediately. CBD oil can be good to use with other medication, but if the dog has any blood work abnormalities, the veterinarian can recommend discontinuing CBD or the other drugs. Coughing can seriously affect the dog’s quality of life, but CBD oil and recommendations from the veterinarian may make a difference. The sooner the coughing pup gets treatment, the sooner he may go back to enjoying life.

Bottom line

Currently, no specific breed is more susceptible to this condition, and it does not correlate as far as genetics. It is an environmental issue and can strike a dog of any age. Puppies with an immune system still in the developmental stage may suffer more severe complications. The best way to soothe a puppy’s sore throat after harsh coughing is honey or the use of Herbal tea. CBD oil manufacturers provide a range of oil treats for the canines. You can visit the pets (petcbdcommunitys) website and see the many examples available. The compounds are not therapeutic but also products that taste good.


Buonavoglia, C., & Martella, V. (2007). Canine Respiratory Viruses. Veterinary Research, 38(2), 355-373.

Farzan, B., Abbaszadeh, S., & Teimouri, H. (2019). Ethnobotanical Treatments For Earache And Sore Throat.

Goldberg, J. D., Kamboj, M., Ford, R., Kiehn, T. E., Gilhuley, K., & Perales, M. A. (2009). ‘Kennel Cough’in A Patient Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 44(6), 381-382.

Iffland, K., & Grotenhermen, F. (2017). An Update On Safety And Side Effects Of Cannabidiol: A Review Of Clinical Data And Relevant Animal Studies. Cannabis And Cannabinoid Research, 2(1), 139-154.

Siciliano, C., Bartella, L., Mazzotti, F., Aiello, D., Napoli, A., De Luca, P., & Temperini, A. (2019, July). 1H NMR Quantification Of Cannabidiol (CBD) In Industrial Products Derived From Cannabis Sativa L.(Hemp) Seeds. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering (Vol. 572, No. 1, P. 012010). IOP Publishing.

Vuolo, F., Abreu, S. C., Michels, M., Xisto, D. G., Blanco, N. G., Hallak, J. E., … & Dal-Pizzol, F. (2019). Cannabidiol Reduces Airway Inflammation And Fibrosis In Experimental Allergic Asthma. European Journal Of Pharmacology, 843, 251-259.


Kristina Shafarenko
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