CBD Oil for Gout: The Essential Facts

CBD Oil for Gout: The Essential Facts

Gout is an extremely painful and recurring type of arthritis that almost 4% of Americans suffer from. It is also difficult to manage in most cases, as most of those who suffer have to stick to strict diets and other forms of altered life changes; not to mention the sudden attacks that involve shots of Corticosteroids.  While some of these healthy lifestyle changes combined with steroids make it possible to minimize the effects of Gout, many patients are looking for more holistic methods with fewer side effects.

This is where CBD oil for Gout comes in. It has the potential to do what NSAIDS do, alleviate pain and swelling, without damage to the liver. It also helps circulation as a way to alleviate its symptoms. Gout is also commonly triggered by obesity and diabetes, which are both associated with being overweight.  Fortunately, CBD Oils are promising for helping with weight loss, potentially eliminating the risk of Gout inflammation due to being overweight.

What is Gout?


According to the Mayo Clinic, Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that’s triggered by higher-than-normal levels of uric acid in the blood. Your body creates uric acid while breaking down purines, natural substances that are found in especially high concentrations in red meat, shellfish, beverages sweetened with fructose, and alcohol. Over time, the excess uric acid in the blood forms sharp crystals that accumulate in your joints. The crystals then cause inflammation in the joint, leading to acute attacks of gout that cause severe pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling.

While gout can occur in any joint, it’s most common in the big toe. Acute gout attacks begin with around 12 hours of intense pain, and the symptoms can linger for a week to ten days. According to the Arthritis Foundation, 84% of patients who experience one Gout attack will have another within three years.

Anyone can suffer from gout, but certain factors increase the risk of developing this condition. To start, a diet of rich foods may trigger gout. Gout is more likely to occur in men than women, and is more prevalent in people who have a family history of the condition. Obesity, recent surgery or trauma, and chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease can also increase your risk of gout. According to the National Kidney Foundation, an estimated 6 million men and 2 million women in the U.S. will experience an episode of gout at some point.

How is Gout Treated?


Though there is no cure, gout can be effectively managed in most patients with a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. Medications include pain relievers and corticosteroids to alleviate acute discomfort and inflammation. In addition, treatments are used that block uric acid production and improve your body’s ability to remove uric acid to prevent recurring attacks.

Most doctors also recommend that patients limit their intake of alcoholic beverages, fruit sugars, red meat, organ meats, and seafood. Maintaining a healthy body weight and staying well hydrated are also essential preventative measures.

While many patients find that the techniques and medications above help them manage their gout flare-ups, acute attacks can still occur. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, CBD has become an increasingly prominent remedy for the discomfort associated with gout attacks.

Is CBD Oil Good for Gout?


While scientific studies on the specific relationship between CBD and gout are limited, research on the link between CBD and arthritis management is substantial, with multiple studies in recent years suggesting that CBD could be an effective treatment for arthritis pain. In addition, CBD has been researched extensively as an anti-inflammatory treatment. Because gout shares symptoms of joint pain and inflammation with other types of arthritis, research indicates that CBD may be a promising option for relief from this condition.

The uptick in interest regarding a connection between CBD and gout treatment stems from a complex system within our bodies: the endocannabinoid system. This network of receptors works to keep the body in balance, managing key processes that include mood, memory, appetite, pain, and inflammation.

Endocannabinoid receptors known as CB2 receptors are triggered when they’re exposed to compounds called cannabinoids, which are found in CBD. CB2 receptors help to regulate the inflammation associated with arthritic conditions, like gout. In addition, CBD may work to increase levels of anandamide produced by the body. Anandamide is a compound that binds with CB1 receptors to block the body’s pain signals, providing relief from the discomfort associated with acute gout attacks.

What is the CBD Dosage for Gout?


Once you’ve decided to try CBD for gout, you might wonder how much to take—and the best way to take it. As a general rule, it’s best to start with a conservative dose of CBD and increase it slowly until you begin to see positive results. Many experts recommend starting with 20-25mg per day, or using a ratio of 1 to 6mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. You can also check the recommended daily dosage that comes on the packaging for most CBD products.

CBD comes in several edible forms, including gummies, pressed pills, and oil; you can also choose to vape it. Many people who experience arthritis or similar inflammatory conditions also find relief from topical creams. In fact, some studies show that topical applications are among the most effective for targeting pain and inflammation in specific areas of the body. If you’re interested in trying a CBD topical for gout, simply apply it to the areas where you experience discomfort. Make sure to wash and dry your skin thoroughly before application, and massage the cream into the skin for a few seconds to promote deeper absorption.

What Else Should I Know About CBD for Gout Pain?


When trying out CBD for the first time, it’s normal to have questions about the safety and side effects of this natural compound. Here’s the good news: CBD-only products have no psychoactive effects, so they’re safe to take without any concerns about getting high. (Be sure to double-check the label and make sure you’re choosing products without THC). The side effects of CBD are also mild and uncommon, though they may include drowsiness and upset stomach.

If you’re thinking about trying CBD as a treatment for gout, it’s always a good idea to touch base with your doctor and review any questions or concerns you may have. A medical professional can help you find the best way to make CBD a part of your gout treatment plan.

Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website, where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.

Elena Ognivtseva


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